When was the last time a law enforcement official marched up to a governor’s mansion at 6:30 in the morning, knocked on the door and said “You are under arrest”? That’s what U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald did
this morning to Illinois Governor Rod
Blagojevich on charges, among many others, of trying to peddle the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama.
Several things about this astonishing bust deserve mention.
Of course, the accusations are shocking, but I have also been dismayed by the number of Republicans – pundits,
bloggers and
emailers – who are saying that this means Obama, too, is corrupt. And, far worse, there are people so blindly partisan that they are openly
hoping that is the case.
As a matter of fact, there is indeed an Obama connection. According to political insiders from Chicago,
Blagojevich approached Valerie Jarrett, one of Obama’s closest
advisers, offering the appointment to her in return for a
sizable payment. The word is, she immediately went to Obama’s chief-of-staff,
Rahm Emanuel, and they blew the whistle on
Blagojevich. Presumably, this will eventually come out in the trial.
(The Obama haters will be so disappointed!)
Also worth mentioning: the U.S. attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald, is the very same guy who prosecuted and nailed Dick Chaney’s right-hand man, Scooter Libby. When that happened, Fitzgerald was shrilly attacked as an over-zealous and out-of-control prosecutor.
(Shhhhhh. Listen ... Hear any of that talk now?)
There’s a really interesting twist to this whole sordid business: What comes next? How is Illinois going to get a new U.S. senator? Legally, only
Blagojevich can make the appointment. And who in their right mind would accept that appointment?
take a look at the extensive allegations against
Blagojevich. They are so egregious, so brazen, so just-plain-dumb that you have to wonder if this guy has both oars in the water. Let’s hope the prison psychiatrists can figure it all out … over the next 20 or 30 years.