There’s a wonderful posting on the
Think Progress web site about the political hypocrisy of Republican members of the U. S. House. Every single one of them voted against the stimulus package and most continue to bad-mouth both it and the president. But when those stimulus dollars show up in the form of projects in their districts, these same people are right there at the ground breakings rhapsodizing about how much the project will mean to their constituents.

There are a lot of examples, but my personal favorite is Republican Congressman Goeff Davis of Kentucky. This guy recently put out two press releases to the media.
In the
first release, he opposed a second stimulus program and said the first stimulus has failed.
In the
second, he has the gall to claim he assisted in getting more than a million dollars for the public schools in his district … money coming from the original stimulus package which he voted against!
And get this: the two releases were sent out
on the same day!.
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