At any rate, Armey was once described by Ezra Klein, columnist and blogger for the Washington Post, as “ … a stupid person’s idea of what a thoughtful person sounds like.”
Damn! Why can’t I come up with stuff like that?
For instance, someone who follows the blog recently came across this refrigerator magnet while traveling on the mainland. Absolutely delicious, ain't it!
But – are you ready for this? – 43 percent of the same group said they would vote for her for president in 2012.
In other words, 13 percent of our fellow citizens would prefer and unqualified president to Barack Obama.
And I’ll bet every last one claims to be a real red-white-and-blue patriot, too.
This is the guy who organizes the House Republicans and somehow induced all 178 of them to vote against President Obama’s first stimulus package. That’s right … after demanding that the president be bi-partisan in developing his agenda, every last one of the Republicans in the U.S. House voted against his stimulus bill.
Cantor later described the stimulus program as an “utter failure.”
Well, let the record show that this is the very same Congressman Eric Cantor who sponsored two job fairs in his district at which people were hired by employers using stimulus dollars.
He is not alone, either. At last count, more than 50 House Republicans (a) voted against the stimulus, (b) trashed it in speeches and comments for the media, and (c) showed up proud as peacocks at the ribbon-cuttings and ground breakings for stimulus-funded projects in their districts. Many had the unmittigated gall to actually take credit for securing that funding.
When are Republican voters going to catch on: These guys think you’re stupid.
Today’s Honolulu Advertiser reports that local hospitals are receiving more than $14 million dollars from the feds – our tax dollars – to “help defray the cost of providing service to uninsured and underinsured patents.” Note the phrase “ … help defray … ” which clearly means these federal funds don’t begin to cover all the costs.
The rest of the shortfall is made up by those of us with health insurance. When we use hospital services, we’re charged several times more than what would ordinarily be a fair price. And the health insurance companies charge us higher premiums than would be necessary if everyone were required to have coverage.
Of course, that would be socialism, wouldn’t it!
Wait a sec … don’t we require everyone to have car insurance … and fire insurance … for exactly the same reasons? Indeed we do ... but just imagine the screeching from all those right-wingers if their car insurance premiums were doubled to cover the cost of fixing wrecked cars of people who didn’t have insurance.
But silly me ... I keep thinking rational argument will decide this issue.