Q: What’s the most serious problem facing our country today?
A: Big government and high taxes.
Q: Well, how do we fix that?
A: Smaller government and cut taxes.
Q: But there are so many problems that we need to deal with. For instance, what should we do about someone who looses his job?
A: Smaller government and cut taxes.
Q: But now this man has no health insurance, and that means his wife and kids are uninsured, too.
A: Smaller government and cut taxes..
Q: But his wife has a pre-existing condition so they can’t get private insurance. And, besides, how can he pay for it? He’s just lost his job!
A: Smaller government and cut taxes.
Q: OK, new topic: What can be done about our crumbling infrastructure -- bad roads, unsafe bridges, overcrowded trains and transit?
A: Smaller government and lower taxes.
Q: OK, what about …
A: Smaller government and lower taxes.
Q: But …
A: Smaller government and lower taxes.
Think I’m kidding? Try having a serious discussion with someone from the Tea Party about the problems confronting ordinary people. They offer no solutions. Zero … zip …